There have been so many times a dancer portrays a story without any dialogues or music. It's just that in silence the dancer has the power to communicate her feelings and a dramatic sequence. Body language (Aangik Abhinaya), facial expressions (Mukhaja Abhinaya) and hand gestures (Hasta Mudra) have always been the core elements not only for the dancer but in regular human life too. Chapters relating to 'Navarasa' is an integral part of the study of Psychology. We have been expressing our feelings and needs from time immemorial. From pre-historic to this date, communication has been changed and upgraded drastically and effectively. There were stone and cave inscriptions wherein the pre-historic people left their marks and culture, then the Indus-Valley Civilisation (Mohenjodaro-Harappa) who sculpted figurines of dancers and animals and then the Vedic period established the Vedas that are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism mentioning about Vedic culture and composed in Vedic Sanskrit (orally) prior to the advent of Brahmi Script. Encompassing all periods of medieval and post-independence time, and recording the finest dance moments in print, visual and audio media, the most effective and convenient medium in today's time for a dancer is social media. It just takes a few seconds to travel across the world. It's so amazing to witness and be able to watch and read enormously about different cultures and also to spread our own.
Updated: Jul 29, 2020